Get Insights

Employ advanced techniques to uncover insights from data, including identifying key metrics, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling for informed decision-making. 

Collect & Integrate Data

Collect and analyze data from databases, spreadsheets, and APIs in a central repository to meet clients’ needs. 

Analyze & Prepare Data

Thoroughly examine and clean data for accuracy and reliability. Then, analyze it to uncover patterns, trends, or anomalies. 

Compage A Properietary Solution by AppsTek

Build Secure Code in
Minutes With
Auto Code Generator

Boost your development team’s productivity 2X with Compage. Focus on innovative solutions, not boilerplate.

Simplify Development with
Built-in Integrations

Customize your services with various plugins and integrations.

Digital Engineering

Web Application

Delivering high-performance, intuitive, secure, and best-in-class web solutions with user-centric UI/UX.

Robotic Process Automation

Delivering high-performance, intuitive, secure, and best-in-class web solutions with user-centric UI/UX.

Mobile Application

Create mobile apps that offer an intuitive and feature-rich experience, ensuring seamless navigation and increased customer satisfaction.

App Modernization

Upgrade and transform your outdated applications into powerful, efficient, and user-friendly applications with App Modernization Services.

Power Apps

Experience the benefits of low-code, no-code solutions in delivering custom applications quickly and cost-effective, precisely tailored to your business requirements.

Who Uses Compage

Powering Innovation
at Every Stage

Meet business needs at every scale. Compage low code platform equips developers, architects, technology leaders with the tools they need to achieve efficiency, security, and scalability for business success.  

  • Deliver code that follows security best practices 
  • Effortlessly adapt new technologies 
  • Unify development with requirement-to-code model 
  • Focus on business logic, ditch boilerplate 
  • Customize generated code for business needs 
  • Deploy features fast 
  • Enforce code-level governance 
  • Retain full control, zero vendor lock-in 
  • Embrace on-demand agility 
  • Slash development costs with automation 
  • License and privatize your code ownership 
  • Modernize your tech stack effortlessly
  • Scale with CI/CD pipeline integration 
  • Maintain industry compliance 
  • Minimize the skill gap and technical debt 

Digital Engineering

Web Application

Delivering high-performance, intuitive, secure, and best-in-class web solutions with user-centric UI/UX.

Robotic Process Automation

Delivering high-performance, intuitive, secure, and best-in-class web solutions with user-centric UI/UX.

Mobile Application

Create mobile apps that offer an intuitive and feature-rich experience, ensuring seamless navigation and increased customer satisfaction.

App Modernization

Upgrade and transform your outdated applications into powerful, efficient, and user-friendly applications with App Modernization Services.

Power Apps

Experience the benefits of low-code, no-code solutions in delivering custom applications quickly and cost-effective, precisely tailored to your business requirements.

Compage in Action

Build Production-ready Code in Just Few Steps!

Test and validate your code with our tech stack or integrate your own tools.

Define Requirements

Provide project requirements as inputs

Design Architecture

Configure your architecture in the language, database, and framework of your choice

Create Artifacts

Generate build & release artifacts as per the industry’s secure standards

Customize Code

Customize the code as per your business needs

Use Cases

What Can Your Dev Team Do With Compage?

Build microservices
Break down monolithic applications into agile microservices or build entirely new ones with ease. Each microservice receives its dedicated database for independent scaling and resilience. Compage automates infrastructure setup and deployment and uses the generated code to further integrate it with CI/CD pipelines. Our modular approach minimizes downtime from service failures and fuels faster development cycles. 
Build Secure, Portable Containers
Build secure, distroless containers that minimize attack surfaces and enhance application security. Compage optimizes performance for smooth runtime across platforms, guaranteeing portability. Streamline deployments, freeing developers to focus on delivering innovative features and functionalities.
Automate API Development
Auto-generate code for backend workloads like REST APIs and gRPC, along with endpoint configurations for API gateways. This streamlines communication between system components and frees you to focus on building the core functionalities of your APIs.
Modernize Legacy Applications
Transition to microservices for agility, leverage API-first development for seamless integrations and deploy secure, multi-stage Docker containers for optimized performance. Build high-performant, cloud native applications effortlessly.
Compage Features

Everything You Need to Build Better Software

API-first Development

Develop fully functional gRPC & REST APIs

Visual Canvas and CLI

Drag and drop nodes on a drawing canvas or use CLI to generate code

Git Sync

Build architectures for synchronous or asynchronous communication

Simplified Containerization

Continuously sync with GitHub repositories

Automated Software Supply Chain Security

Build portable and secure distroless containers

Agnostic Framework

Enforce security best practices with Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

AI-Augmented Development

Reimagine Software Development with GenAI & Compage

Leverage Compage’s agnostic framework to scale with emerging technologies like Generative AI. Pair it with our LLM, trained on high-quality data, to translate code, generate documentation, code call flow diagrams, and unit test cases. Move beyond POCs and start using Generative AI securely for your business use cases. 


Why Businesses Choose Compage?

Faster Time to Market: Reduce development time by 50% and ship features fast to meet market demand and gain a competitive edge. 

Shift-Left Security: Secure the foundation right from the development stage, reduce vulnerabilities and later-stage fixes, and safeguard your system from serious security threats. 

Proactive Troubleshooting: Understand the internal state of the system and identify problems, optimize performance, and keep the system running smoothly. 

Find out how Compage provides quickest
time-to-value in the market


Copyright @ AppsTek Corp, Inc. - 2024

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