Adopting cloud technologies can be a transformational event for an organization. It can enable new business models, optimize existing ones, and help you become more agile and responsive to change. But with this potential also comes risk which is why it’s crucial to have a clear plan and strategy for your cloud adoption journey.  One tool that can help you map out this journey is the Cloud Maturity Model.

What is Cloud Maturity Model?

A Cloud Maturity Model improves and assesses your current state of the cloud to find areas for improvement. It can also help you track your progress over time and benchmark your performance against others.

Cloud Maturity Model describes the characteristics that decide maturity levels, and transformation activities within each phase necessary to advance to the next. As well, organization maturity is achieved at four stages: project, foundation, migration, and optimization.

Why do you need Cloud Maturity Model CMM?

Cloud Maturity Model (CMM) helps improve maturity leadership by:

  • Offering a framework for assessing your organization’s cloud maturity status and set goals.
  • Serving as a guide to evaluating the current and future status of cloud maturity and encouraging collaboration and innovation.
  • Help understand necessary cultural shifts and fostering deeper cloud maturity discussions.
  • Showcasing the future of best practices, such as Cloud-native capabilities, principles of DevSecOps in development, Zero Trust Security Architecture, etc.

Identifying the Stages of the Cloud Maturity Model:

Organizations looking to adopt cloud technologies typically go through six distinct stages of maturity.

Fig. Cloud Maturity Model Stages

  • No Strategy: Organizations have no idea about the potential of cloud computing. They are not using cloud services and are not ready to adopt cloud.
  • Experimental: Organizations are beginning to realize the benefits of cloud computing and are starting to migrate some applications and data to the cloud.
  • Opportunity: Organizations have made a commitment to the cloud and are investing in infrastructure and staff to support their transition.
  • Systematic: Organizations have fully incorporated the cloud and are developing applications specifically for the cloud environment.
  • Cloud Ready: Organizations are maximizing the benefits of the cloud by leveraging its scalability and flexibility to meet their business needs.
  • Cloud Optimized: Organizations rely heavily on the cloud for mission-critical applications and data. They have made a complete shift to the cloud and would be unable to run without it.

Organizations can better prepare for their cloud journey by properly evaluating these areas and making informed decisions that will benefit their business.

Benefits of using a Cloud Maturity Model: 

  • Develop a roadmap for your journey to the cloud.
  • Optimize cloud spending by detecting inefficiency, wastage, and implementing cost-saving measures.
  • Identify gaps in your organization’s cloud readiness. 
  • Assess security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and develop risk mitigation plans.
  • Benchmark your progress against other organizations.


Understanding your business’s cloud maturity level is necessary to create a successful cloud strategy aligning with your organization’s overall goals. You can identify where your enterprise stands and what steps need to be taken to advance cloud adoption. Therefore, companies can leverage their current resources and create a comprehensive roadmap toward achieving greater levels of efficiency in their cloud initiatives.

Need help in evaluating your current state in Cloud Maturity? Our cloud technology experts will guide you through cloud maturity levels and upgrade your business to the next level.